My Journey to Master Gardeners  –  November 2019 BOOM! Magazine

My Journey to Master Gardeners – November 2019 BOOM! Magazine

By Kay Cannady

It starts out innocent enough. You stop by a garden center and as you gaze at the lovely flowers, you think to yourself “I can do this.” Yet you have no idea what “this” involves and how to do “this” but the seed of gardening has been planted in your psyche. You approach the lady managing the plants to ask how “this” is done. Then it begins. She mentions the two most magical words that will change your life… Master Gardeners. She says to call their office and learn from them. You leave the nursery with the thought “I can do this with the help of Master Gardeners!” You make the call.

The next thing you know you’re attending “Lunch and Learn” programs, offered monthly by the Capital City Master Gardeners. Let me just say here, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing! After your first “Lunch and Learn,” you quickly learn you have a lot to learn! You leave with a soil sample box. Then the fun really begins. The Auburn Extension Service tells you what your soil needs and why you’ve been struggling so at gardening. Now you find a new word to describe working in your yard. That new word is ‘amending’. I have been amused at myself for saying to others I am ‘amending’ my soil. I feel that by just knowing this new gardening word I have grown in stature among the gardening community. Now I am tilling the ground with my new rechargeable tiller, mixing in potting soil and planting flowers in yet another attempt at a garden patch. Pictured is my flower garden that has a large cross in the center. It’s very much a work in progress but I have great hope it will be a showplace soon! All this to say that on my journey to the Master Gardeners, my eyes have been opened to the wonderful world of men and women who truly care about our environment. They grow food, flowers and maintain wonderful lawns.

In retrospect, I realize my motivation comes from my past and present. My grandmother grew beautiful flowers in Panama City, Florida, her specialty was Hydrangeas. I have fond memories of Granny who taught me so much. Now I am a grandmother and I want my two granddaughters to have memories of flowers when they think of me. Emmi and Evvi are my present motivators to learn. My goal is to show them firsthand how to love the land and make each home they live in more beautiful. It took me two years to make the commitment to become a Master Gardener Intern and I’m glad I finally joined. The picture taken on my first day in class, I was anxious, and look like a deer caught in headlights! I just knew someone would tell me that there has been a mistake and my history with gardening has finally caught up to me! However, my experience has been quite the opposite. The group has been especially welcoming and after six weeks in the classes, I have great hope for my future as a gardener. Still too soon to see myself as a Master Gardener but I am very pleased to be an intern under their tutelage. Opportunities to learn and grow are accessible through this caring group.

Finally, my granddaughters and I have a Secret Garden now. Pictured are my precious little ones who continue to be my inspiration to learn and grow as a gardener. If you have a passion for nature and wish to learn more, I’m sure the Master Gardeners will welcome you on this journey as well. God bless you all and to find extraordinary support for things of beauty in your great outdoors, make the call to the Master Gardeners. There you can begin your own joyful journey to the Master Gardeners!

Kay Cannady, an intern in the 2019 Master Gardener Class, lives in Montgomery. For more information on becoming a master gardener, visit or email