Fall Garden Refresh

Fall Garden Refresh

By Mallory Kelley, Regional Extension Agent, Home Grounds, Gardens, Home Pests
The heat is hopefully behind us and we are enjoying some cooler days, which for many it will inspire you to get outside and catch-up on many garden tasks that have been neglected.  Either its general maintenance of pruning those dead branches the 50-60 days of no rainfall produced or raking those leaves that are falling to start a new compost pile and putting out a fresh new layer of mulch.  Maybe your pulling down those vines that have now grown up the side of the fence and are now reaching over into the neighbors yard or just thinking of changing out those containers or beds of fading flowers with a new winter annual.  Whatever it is that’s drawing you out into the garden here are a few helpful tips.
When pruning, remember you will be choosing the point at which new growth will come from next spring.  For a more natural look in the landscape reach down in the canopy of the shrub to a branch junction before making a cut.  This will give you a more naturalistic look, but also create less work for you through the seasons.  If you prefer a more formal look you will be sheering the shrub more often and make sure the top of the shrub stays more narrow than the base.  If the top becomes more like a mushroom it will shade out the growth near the ground and cause those branches to stop growing which creates a leggy appearance. Contact a professional if you have large trees that are dropping major limbs as it is probably time to consider having the tree removed before it comes crashing down on your house or your car.
A gardeners best friend is mulch and maybe you rake those leaves to start a new compost pile you will amend the soil with later or rake them into the garden beds now to slowly decompose and add organic matter as they break down instead of hauling them to the curb for pickup.  Mulch will help insulate the roots this winter, break down to add nutrients and most of all suppress weeds so you won’t have to get out there to spray or hand pull.  The plants will surely thank you.  If your adding new mulch, I personally like to let all the leaves drop from the trees first so that the fresh layer of pine straw or pine bark doesn’t get covered up with messy looking leaves after all the money you just spent.  And fall is the best time to plant new trees and shrubs and that mulch will help keep the moisture consistent as they get established. Remember you always plant a tree or shrub the same depth in the ground as it was in the container.
If you are adding new bedding plants make sure you prep the soil in the beds with some fresh compost and slow release fertilizer at planting.  Annuals are heavy feeders and the new transplants will need some additional nutrients added for them to really thrive.  When mulching your annual bedding plants always put the mulch down FIRST before you plant the pansies, snapdragons or ornamental cabbages. Pulling back the mulch and putting in the transplant is much easier than planting the bed and trying to come back and place the pine straw around each individual transplant without damaging it.  And for those pesky vines that are now climbing in your bushes, up your trees and fence and maybe even reaching over into your neighbors yard, make sure you know what they are before you start pulling on them.  It’s always a good idea to wear long sleeves and gloves when working in the yard, but especially with poisonous vines.   A good saying to remember is “leaves of three, leave them be” and also look for the hairy structures coming out of the vine that helps it cling to the tree or wall.  Even in the winter when the vines look brown and dead they still contain oils that will cause allergic reactions.  These plants can cause a great deal of discomfort, itching and pain from contact on the skin and even greater if the oils get in your lungs or eyes so never burn these vines as the oils can get in the air and be inhaled.
All of these irritating plants range in appearance as leaf shapes will vary even on the same plant and they will also vary in form from rough, woody vines to erect woody shrubs or trailing shrubs that run on the ground.  Never base your identification on one or two leaves, but look at the overall plant and many leaves and compare size and shapes to determine the plants identify and if ever in doubt, leave it alone.
May and June are the best times to apply control measures to these poison plants, but it can be done any time of the year.  To kill poison ivy on trees, cut the vine right above the ground, then treat any leaves coming from the vine on the ground with glyphosate. More than one application may be necessary, but eventually this herbicide will kill the roots and prevent sprouting. Always follow directions on the label when using any herbicide.
For more information and tips on refreshing your garden this fall, please join us at a monthly lunch and learn.
Please join us for the FREE Master Gardener Lunch and Learn Program in your area
 EVERY MONTH from 12:00-1:00, Bring a Sack Lunch, Tea and Water Provided.