EAT South Seed Saving Basics
Highland Gardens Community Center 2805 Willena Ave, Montgomery, AL, United StatesClick here to register for class
Click here to register for class
Mark your calendars! You are invited to attend the second Annual Alabama Extension Master Gardener graduation on December 16, 2024, on the campus of Auburn University. It’s a way for those who took the class in 2024 to be recognized for their hard work and commitment to furthering the Land Grant mission. This event will not interfere...
We will be packaging seeds, etc. 9 - 11 at Highland Gardens Community Center for Seedy Saturday held on January 11, 2025 . Breakfast will be provided. Click on the map for directions.
Plant Propagation Morning Session: Seed Starting, Mallory Kelley MENTOR LUNCH Afternoon Topic: Helpline Training, Pesticides Lab and PLANT ID-Sun and Shade, Mallory Kelley
Begin clean-up from the effects of the freezes in the fern, blue ageratum and swamp daisy areas. Clean center of garden area of leaves and sticks. Check Shasta daisies, dig up overcrowded areas for Plant Sale. Clean out large pots throughout the garden in preparation for Spring plantings.